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    Diamond Glossary

    refers to the treatment of diamonds with acids (usually hot) to clean them after mining or after cutting, particularly to remove oxides or polishing residues from surface fissures.
    A jour :
    is a type of diamond mount that exposes the pavilion to the light and is used in most modern mounts, unlike earlier closed settings.
    refers to a diamond cut in the shape of a narrow bar, sometimes tapered at one end. It was named after the long French bread loaf.
    is another name for a baguette.
    is the solid rock found under deposits of gravels, silt, sand, soil, etcetera.
    Bezel facets:
    occur when the cross-cutter makes the four top corner facets into eight.
    Bicycle tyre:
    refers to a thick girdle.
    is putting on the 16 main facets by the cross-cutter.
    Blue ground:
    is the miner's name for the unoxidised kimberlite in a pipe or other kimberlitic deposit.
    is a confusing term often wrongly applied. A blue-white stone should have a faint tinge of blue, even though the description is usually intended to mean colourless. Sometimes it is even applied to stones with a faint tinge of yellow.
    is a very low-grade diamond suitable only for industrial use. It is also spelt bort, boort, and bortz.
    is the skilled person responsible for the final stages of putting on and polishing the 40 facets after the cross-cutter's work. It is also spelled brilliandeer.
    is the intensity of the white light when a diamond is looked at in the face-up position.
    is another name for cutting to fashion the girdle outline of a brilliant cut.
    Calibré cut:
    refers to stones that have been cut to standard dimensions for easy setting into standard mounts.
    is the standardised unit of weight for gemstones. One carat is equal to 0.20 of a gram.
    is used to describe a diamond that has no readily visible inclusions, grade SI and above.
    refers to the tendency of a diamond to split along the grain parallel to one of its octahedral faces. It is also a term applied to rough diamonds that have at some time been cleaved from a larger stone.
    is the skilled person who cleaves a diamond into two parts.
    Closed culet:
    is the sharp point at the bottom of the pavilion of a brilliant cut, or knife edge on an emerald-cut stone.
    is the skilled person who grinds and polishes the first 16 facets on a diamond.
    is the upper part of a polished stone above the girdle.
    is the Central Selling Organisation which distributes about 80 per cent of the world's rough gem quality diamonds.
    refers to very small facet on the bottom of the pavilion, parallel to the table. It is also spelled collet and culette.
    is the shape into which a rough diamond is cut and polished.
    Cutter or bruter:
    makes the rough diamond round before it is faceted.
    Diamond paper:
    is another name for the parcel paper.
    Diamond parcel paper:
    is the specially folded paper in which a diamond is or diamonds are held for carrying, or transporting.
    describes the way a diamond breaks up a ray of white light into colour.
    refers to the holder used for a diamond that is being polished. A diamond is held in a solder dop by solder and in a mechanical dop by metal jaws.
    describes the process of removing diamonds from concentrate.
    Extra facet:
    is an additional small facet usually applied to remove a small blemish most commonly on or near the girdle.
    Faceted girdle:
    refers to a girdle on which small facets have been polished to improve the brilliance of the diamond.
    Face up:
    is the position of a diamond with the table of the stone facing the viewer.
    are attractively coloured diamonds.
    is a diamond of an attractive colour other than white that is suitable for gem use.
    refers to the flashing colours seen when a suitably cut diamond is moved, resulting from its dispersion.
    is a thin paper used to line the inside of a diamond parcel paper.
    Full-cut brilliant:
    is the correct name for a brilliant-cut diamond with 56 facets plus table and culet.
    is a sort of rim at the widest part of a diamond by which it is normally set. It is the resulting circumference of the adjoining crown and pavilion angles at the widest part of the stone.
    describes the way a rough diamond is rounded. It is also another name for cutting and bruting.
    is the skilled person who separates polished diamonds into sizes and quality grades by clarity, colour, and accuracy of cut.
    is a name used by cutters and polishers to describe the visible evidence of the crystal structure of a diamond, and will usually determine their procedure.
    Loose diamond:
    is an unmounted, polished diamond.
    refers to the quality of a surface in reflected light. The lustre of a diamond is usually described as admantine lustre.
    are rough stones and shapes under two carats and used loosely for small polished diamonds.
    is the mixing of two different cuts for one diamond, such as a brilliant cut crown and step-cut pavilion.
    Mount or mounting:
    is the part of jewellery into which a stone is set.
    is part of the natural surface of a rough diamond left on the girdle by the cutter striving for maximum weight retention.
    is another name for a marquise.
    is a quality of rough diamonds between gem and industrial.
    word describes the process of adding the eight main facets to the top and bottom of a stone, which makes its table octagon-shaped.
    Open culet:
    is a larger than normal culet.
    Open table:
    is a larger than normal facet.
    Open cast or open pit:
    describes mining from the surface.
    Opening a diamond:
    means polishing a window on a rough stone to see inside it.
    is the bottom part of a polished diamond below the girdle.
    is the hundredth of a carat, therefore 0.72 carats equal 72 points.
    Polished girdle:
    refers to a girdle that has been polished but not faceted.
    measures the degree of excellence of a diamond by its weight, colour, clarity and (polished) its perfection of cut.
    is the name given to diamonds before they are cut.
    is the skilled person who saw diamonds.
    are the rough diamonds that can be divided by sawing.
    is also spelled scaive or scaif, and refers to the horizontal turntable or grinding table on which a diamond is polished.
    refers to the flashing and twinkling sparkle of a diamond when it moved under light. A diamond is always more beautiful in motion because its scintillation depends upon the number of facets visible to the eye when the diamond moves.
    is a diamond or other stone set in a mount.
    is the natural surface of the unpolished diamond.
    is the skilled person who separates rough diamonds into sizes and grades of quality by shape, colour, and clarity.
    Star facets:
    are the eight triangular facets around the table of a diamond that make it star-shaped.
    is the large facet on the top of the diamond's crown.
    describes a polished diamond that has been altered to change its appearance, eg by artificial colouration, that is, irradiation.
    is the facet polished on a rough diamond in order to see inside it.

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